How To Fix Food Sensitivities?

How can we fix this? One of the biggest problems with Food Sensitivities is identifying the reactive foods – the foods that cause your immune system to respond. In the past, the only way to discover which foods were causing reactions was to try an Elimination Diet and then to challenge each food one by one and waiting for symptoms to develop. But these diets are just guess-work since there are endless possible “trigger foods” that could be causing symptoms. This method is trial and error and can be very long and frustrating. But now it is possible to know exactly which are the safe foods and the trigger foods with the help of the Mediator Release Test (MRT). It is a patented blood test that determines the reactions to 170 different foods and food chemicals. It is the ONLY food sensitivity test that measures outcomes of ALL non-IgE hypersensitivity reactions. It does this by measuring the mediators which are the end point of all of these reactions (there are roughly 100 different mediators that can be released!). Most other food sensitivity tests only measure one of the many pathways, like IgG. But non-IgE mediated reactions can be many more different mechanisms (IgM, IgA, C3, C4, T-cell activation, phagocytosis, etc). All these reactions release proinflammatory and proalgesic mediators from white blood cells that cause symptoms like pain, bloating, headaches and more.