frequently asked questions

ADHD Nutrition Therapy Questions

How long will I need to follow this plan for?

The ADHD Nutrition Programs consists of two parts. The first is the Food Sensitivity Test that will help us determine which foods may be triggering your ADHD symptoms. This eating plan requires around 3 months to complete. After the initial portion of the food sensitivity eating plan is complete, we begin to introduce any needed supplements to correct any deficiencies found in Spectracell’s Micronutrient Test. Symptoms can begin to improve within a couple of weeks if a food sensitivity is suspected and within a few weeks once supplements have been started.

Will I need to take supplements on this program?

Typically, individuals with ADHD tend to have nutrient deficiencies that can impact their behavior. Taking the Spectracell Micronutrient Test will help us identify which ones those are so that we can create a custom-tailored plan to make sure that your body is performing at its optimal level. Sometimes it is just a basic multivitamin but other times it is more involved and requires other nutrients in specific doses, although this is usually recommended only until the deficiency is corrected. Although these nutrients are available in different foods, the levels needed tend to be higher and better absorbed in supplement form. Only high-quality supplements are recommended through a Fullscript account that will be set up for you if desired. We will never recommend a supplement that is not well researched and exceedingly safe to consume.

Food Sensitivity Questions

How do I give my sample?

Your complete kit will arrive in the mail within a week. You will also receive the requisition form (I have filled everything out for you!) – just be sure to include this paper with your sample. After receiving the kit and form, I will send you a link to locate a lab where you can get the blood drawn for a fee (usually around $25-$40) or a mobile phlebotomist (charges around $80-$125) that will come to you. They will mail out the sample for you, along with the requisition form, with the pre-paid envelope that came in the kit. Remember to have the blood drawn and shipped Monday through Friday before 12 pm.

How long before I see results with LEAP?

LEAP, which stands for Lifestyle Eating and Performance Disease Management Program, is the dietary plan that follows the results of the MRT (Mediator Release Test). Typically, you will see results within the first 10-14 days on your new eating plan, with about a 50% reduction in your symptoms. Of course, this depends on how well you follow the diet and stick to the recommended foods. Your immune system should calm down in about 6 weeks and you will continue to see further improvements with time.

What types of foods will I be eating on LEAP?

The foods that are tested on the MRT panel can be found here. We will select the foods that have the least amount of reaction based on your results. Once you start to feel better, we will begin to include other items from this list. You will never be asked to eat something you don’t like or don’t typically eat. After the items on the list have been tested, we continue to test all the other items you usually include in your diet until all foods have been “tested.”

Can I eat out during this program?

Initially, it is recommended that you prepare your meals at home to ensure that you are only eating what is on your plan as many restaurants add sauces and spices with numerous items that may give you a reaction. Although this can be challenging, it is important to stick to the program to improve your outcomes. Once this initial phase is complete, you will have more flexibility to eat out and attend social gatherings. Your nutritionist will guide you every step of the way in order to navigate these types of situations.

Why can’t I just follow my own Elimination Diet?

While it is totally possible to create your own elimination diet, there are many risks involved with doing so. Restricting your diet for long periods of time is never recommended because it could have detrimental effects on your health. It is very possible that you could create a micronutrient deficiency when a balanced diet is not met. Having a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist guide your process will ensure that all of your nutritional needs are properly met during this challenging time so as not to create further health problems along the way. By doing the MRT, we can easily determine which foods are safe for you to eat and can achieve more accurate results in a shorter amount of time than would occur if doing a basic elimination diet.

How can I learn more about the science behind MRT?

With all of the different food sensitivity tests available in the market today, it’s hard to know which (if any) are accurate. But after seeing many of our colleagues (other registered dietitians) having such great success using MRT, we decided to do further research until we were totally convinced that the MRT test is the only accurate food sensitivity test available. And they have lots of research to back it up! The best place to find all of the science behind the innovative Mediator Release Test can be found here.

What will my results look like?

Click here to see a Sample Report.

Micronutrient Deficiencies Questions

How do I give my sample?

Your complete kit will arrive in the mail within a week. You will also receive the requisition form (I have filled everything out for you!) – just be sure to include this paper with your sample. After receiving the kit and form, I will send you a link to locate a lab where you can get the blood drawn for a fee (usually around $25-$40) or a mobile phlebotomist (charges around $80-$125) that will come to you. They will mail out the sample for you, along with the requisition form, with the pre-paid envelope that came in the kit.

How long before I get my results?

Your test results will be available 10-14 business days from receipt of the sample.

Which micronutrients are tested?

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, Biotin, Folate, Pantothenate, C, D3, K2; Minerals: Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, Copper; Amino Acids: Asparagine, Glutamine, Serine; Fatty Acids: Oleic Acid Antioxidants: Alpha Lipoic Acid, Coenzyme Q10, Cysteine, Glutathione, Selenium, Vitamin E; Carbohydrate Metabolism, Chromium, Fructose Sensitivity, Glucose-Insulin Metabolism; Metabolites: Choline, Inositol, Carnitine; SPECTROX™ (for Total Antioxidant Function); IMMUNIDEX™ (Immune Response Score)

Are there any medications that can cause me to have a micronutrient deficiency?

Absolutely! There are many medicines that are commonly used that are known to deplete various micronutrients. You can see the different medications below.

Medicine Nutrient Interactions page 1Medicine Nutrient Interactions page 1

What will my results look like?

Click here to see a Sample Report.

What will my nutritionist recommend to correct any deficiencies that I may have?

Your nutritionist will use their vast knowledge and clinical experience on the topic to help provide you with a course of action to correct any deficiencies that may be present. Sometimes these deficiencies are caused by simply not eating enough of a certain nutrient or food. But sometimes, these deficiencies arise due to other factors like genetics (ex. MTHFR gene), drug-nutrient interactions from medications (as seen above), or some other downstream effect from another deficiency. Once these factors have been identified, a supplement plan will be recommended to you to help correct these deficiencies. If supplements are not desired, a list of foods that contain those nutrients will be recommended.

Other Questions

How do I know if I am a good candidate?

We offer a free 15-minute phone consultation to briefly discuss if you are a good candidate for these tests and program. Those suffering from ADHD and interested in improving their symptoms through nutrition are ideal candidates. We can also help those that have suspected food sensitivities and/or micronutrient deficiencies. This can be evaluated by your nutritionist during this initial consultation.

How will my visits with my Nutritionist go?

Once your blood test results come in, we will set up a virtual appointment with your nutritionist. The visit will typically last 45 – 60 minutes and will be over or telephone if you prefer. On your first visit, we will discuss what your results mean and what you will be eating over the upcoming weeks. The second visit will occur about 10-14 days after you have started your meal plan and we will discuss how you are doing, as well as, the next step of the process. The following visit will be at 2 weeks and then at each month. All communications with your nutritionist are HIPAA compliant and all health information will be confidential.

Will I be given a meal plan to follow?

You will be given a 2 day sample plan that shows you how your meals should be organized throughout your day with simple recipes to follow and different brands that are recommended. However, it is important that you learn to organize and plan your meals for future days as this is a vital lifelong skill that will ensure your success. Being told what to eat without your input will not teach you how to plan your meals when you are on your own. You will be given access to our Pinterest page that is loaded with numerous recipes that are simple to follow and will help keep your meals interesting and fun to improve adherence.

Are there any special drinks, bars, or food that I will need to purchase to go along with my plan?

Aside from any supplements that are recommended to you to eliminate any nutrient deficiencies, there are no special foods or drinks that will be required during the program. All foods will be ones that you typically eat and will be available at any grocery store. It is recommended that organic foods be purchased when available in order to reduce any added chemicals (ex. non-organic grapes are sprayed with sulfites to extend shelf-life) and pesticides.

Which supplements do you recommend?

If any supplements are needed to correct your nutrient deficiencies, the recommendations will be sent to you via Fullscript, which is an online dispensary offering high quality supplements. This allows us to seamlessly email your customized supplement plan for easy online ordering. We can also send you recommendations for brands available at your local health store.